How does TECHNOLOGY affect our lives?

Technology has not only made our lives easier and more expedient, it has brought us closer to each other even if we don’t step out of our home & offices. Almost everything is just a push-button away.
These days, research now be done in just one click of a mouse, files can be downloaded and transferred directly to printer for the hard copy instead of jotting down notes arduously for hours.
I can communicate with my friends, loved ones with only a peso.
With a washing machine, I can do laundry while reading my lessons or watching t.v. or cleaning our house.
I get updated with what’s happening around the world. I can get in touch with my friends who are in far places through a chat, and I can also see them through webcam!
I can play video games FREE! And live a comfortable life.
These are just some of the great things I thankful for because of technology. And I agree that cell phone is one invention that has made am impact in our lives, especially communicating with our loved ones.
I also agree, however, that technology has its downside.
You know, a cell phone has become a medium for cheating. Students text answers to their classmates or barkadas during examination period or quizzes. Sometimes, instead of using the internet for research, students visits pornography sites. And that is the reality.
I have a friend who lost interest in his studies because of computers, cell phones, ipods. But I never get tired of reminding him of the importance of education. I never stopped praying for him. And now he had overcome the temptation to prioritize these “stuff”.
We can also mention the pollution caused by cars & factories—all in the name of progress.
And because of technology, some people will no longer prioritize God.
Technology has its advantages and disadvantages. What is important, is to use it wisely, otherwise we will rely more on technology and less on what matters most—our family, friends, and God.
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