My Blogspot!

True physical beauty requires nothing more than soap, water and a comb. How much work is that? Intelligence is NOT a given, only the potential to BE intelligent if you as an individual choose to apply it. Beauty changes nothing, intellect, artistry and invention change the entire world.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FOR ONCE....:-)

I wanna be the reason why he cuts his hair just because I told Him so.

I wanna be the reason why he eats something just because its my favorite food.
I wanna be the reason why he buys a shirt just because I have the same color.

I wanna be the reason why he tries hard to sing my favorite song because it's my favorite.

I wanna be the reason why he can't sleep at night because he miss me so much.

I wanna be the reason why he goes to a place he hates beacause I used to go there.

I wanna be the reason why he falls asleep while holding his phone at night.

I wanna be the reason why he loves someting he used to hate because I love it.

And lastly...

I wanna be the reason why he smiles and laughs.

I wanna be the BECAUSE of his every WHYS! ^_^


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