My Blogspot!

True physical beauty requires nothing more than soap, water and a comb. How much work is that? Intelligence is NOT a given, only the potential to BE intelligent if you as an individual choose to apply it. Beauty changes nothing, intellect, artistry and invention change the entire world.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FOR ONCE....:-)

I wanna be the reason why he cuts his hair just because I told Him so.

I wanna be the reason why he eats something just because its my favorite food.
I wanna be the reason why he buys a shirt just because I have the same color.

I wanna be the reason why he tries hard to sing my favorite song because it's my favorite.

I wanna be the reason why he can't sleep at night because he miss me so much.

I wanna be the reason why he goes to a place he hates beacause I used to go there.

I wanna be the reason why he falls asleep while holding his phone at night.

I wanna be the reason why he loves someting he used to hate because I love it.

And lastly...

I wanna be the reason why he smiles and laughs.

I wanna be the BECAUSE of his every WHYS! ^_^



One glass of milk can give a person a .02 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) on a Breathalyzer test. That’s enough in some US states for persons under age 21 to lose their driver’s license and be fined.


When drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 talk on a cellphone while driving, their reflexes slow down. They react as though they are 65 to 74 years old.


Human bones can withstand more compression force than granite. They are 4 times more resilient than concrete when stretched and 5 times as light as steel.


A woman becomes pregnant most easily at the age of 18 or 19, with little real change until the mid-20s. There is then a slow decline to age 35, a sharper decline to age 45, and a very rapid decline as the women near menopause.


If you are vegetarian, in your lifetime you will spare the suffering of six cows, 22 pigs, 30 sheep, 800 chickens, 50 turkeys, 15 ducks, 13 geese, 7 rabbits, and 1 half ton of fish.


The earth’s total allotment of water has a volume of about 344 million cubic miles. Of this:

315 million cubic miles (93%) is sea water.
9 million cubic miles (2.5%) is in aquifers deep below the earth’s surface.
7 million cubic miles (2%) is frozen in polar ice caps.
53,000 cubic miles of water pass through the planet’s lakes and streams.
4,000 cubic miles of water are atmospheric moisture.
3,400 cubic miles of water are locked within the bodies of living things.

If the entire world’s water were fit into a gallon jug, the fresh water available for us to use would equal only to about one tablespoon….ryt?..^_^

I Realize......

I realized its really hard to show everybody how you feel, scared of letting them know what's bothering you...
Sometimes lying would be an excellent remedy to overshadow the tears from your eyes.
You hide the pain by smiling, you hide tears by laughing, you hide sadness by lying.
And sometimes you just want to trade your life just to experience a minute of happiness that will really change everything.
But that's what makes it ironic, the move you seek for happiness, the more you lose it... :)

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I realized that one important lesson in Math that we can apply tou our daily lives....
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I realized that sometimes oyu just have to put a period on something that has to end, and not just settle on a comma. Why? Because time will come, you'll realize that it's nicer to see a complete sentence, rather than seeing a phrase that's completely hanging & doesn't even make any sense... :)
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I realized that what you want is not always what you get, but in the end, what you get is better that what you wanted...
The Lord "satisfies your desires with good things" :)
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I realized that staying with someone you really love even if you know you can't be together for a lot of reasons is like standing under the rain. It feels good but you know it's gonna make you sick.
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I realized that this statement is true. "Being dumped, taken for granted & hurt by the one you love is the reason why many people choose to flirt that to be in a relationship.
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I realized that sometimes, I really don't have to be super nice . Sometimes I have to show my bad sides so that I can sort out who can accept me at my worst mood & see who still choose to stay.
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I realized that trials are not the reason to give up, but a challenge to improve myself. Difficulties are not an excuse to backout, but an inspiration to move forward... :)
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I realized that its easier to be happy if you can look beyond imperfections; than by trying to make everything perfect... :)
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...A Friend like Ate SOL...

A friend is someone we turn to,
When our spirits need a lift,
A friend is someone we treasure,
For true friendship is a bequest.

A friend is someone we laugh with,
Over little personal things,
A friend is someone we're serious with,
In facing whatever life brings.

A friend is someone who fills our lives,
With beauty and delight and grace.
And makes the world that we live in,
A better and happier place!

A friend is someone like ATE SOL,
With simple views but with great aura
A friend who can also be my big sister
A great friend who will be cherished forever!

You’re always be a special ate to me.
No one deserves it more than you!
You are such a compassionate person,
It shows in everything that you do.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Poem for My crush...

bAkIt di nAwaWaLa aNg aNyO Ng iYong Mukha?
mAgmUlA nG MakiTa kiTa
sA iSipAn aT mAgiNg sa aLa-aLa
aY iKaW PalaGi aNg NakikiTa
KiTang-kiTanG sA AkINg mAtA
PaG nAndiYan kA
AraW ko'Y sUmasaYa
AnG BuhAy aY gUmaGanDa
bAkiT Ba hInDI kO MaLamaN
KuNG AnO itOnG naRaRandAmAN
kaPag hInDI KiTa naKiKita
LuBoS aKonG naNgHihiNa
bAkIT paG LumAlAPit Ka nA
PusO Ko'Y LUmulUndaG Sa TuWa
DamDamIn mO kaya'Y KatuLaD nG AkInG naDaraMa
kAhIT Di saBIhIN pa
kAHIt di aMiniN pA
Kita Ko saYonG mgA mATa
nA NaHAhAlATA mO Na...
hIndI kO aLaM KuNg SAsaBiHin kO SaYo
O mAghiHinTAy nA lAnG SaYo
BakA saKaliNg mAriniG Sa LaBi mO
iKAw saNa'y maY PagTingiN
hUwaG Ka laNG mAHiHiYa sA aKin
DamdAMiN mo SaNA'y KatUlAd nG sA AkIn
Haayy... aKo BA'y aAsA nA lamANg?
AlaM kOng itO'y wAlaNg kAsiGuRaduHan
AlAm kOng itO'y inFatuAtION LamANg
kAhIBangAn lANG!
KaYa guyS, AKo'y PaGbIgYan Na LAng
DaHIL Ito'Y mAwAWaLa rIn LANg.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


In a four corner of my room, I was sitting on the floor with my pet beside of my bed. Thinking…..What will happen today? I was bewildered of my dreams, the unceasing and uncertain dreams. I don’t know why is that my hands are trembling while caressing my pet. My heart is pulsing fast with fear, a sense of foreboding enveloped my inner being. It was as if something terrible is going to happen. Ignoring those thoughts, I scrambled to my feet and slowly turned to the window. Looking outside the window, with the sun steadily rising in the horizon. How could be so humid and hot in such a beautiful day? I took a profound sigh. I saw the children playing with their innocent, pleasant and beautiful smile under the shining sun. I took a half smile. I noticed that my tears trickled down my cheeks. I was so immersed with the sensations it evoked in me. I wiped it right away. I still heard my heart throbbing. I decided to go back to my place where my pet is when I decided to have a glass of milk instead. As I walk towards my kitchen I felt that there’s someone behind me. Someone following in every step I make. I stopped on walking then I quickly turn back. But I saw nothing! I strode rapidly towards the basin. I washed my hands and started to prepare my breakfast. And after a minute, I brought it to my bedroom. As I walk towards the door I felt a profound trembling of the ground but it suddenly stopped. I was fasten on the ground where I stand with an elusive thought. I noticed that the temperature rises from time to time. I felt that there is something wrong. I heard some discordant views outside. I decided to turned on my television set to ease my tension but it didn’t. I was surprised. I turned it on again and again but it didn’t came to life. Oh! There must be some mistakes. I decided to go outside to find out what is really happening. But I recognized that the people are running as if they don’t know where they’re going to. I felt dizzy so I decided to go back inside. I turned on the radio and took a seat. I heard a man with a husky voice…I stopped for a while…the voice of the man on the radio was familiar to me…I heard the man introduced himself…oh! It was Earl Thomas (my close friend back in college...) I smiled. He started reporting breaking news about the imminent supernova of the sun and the earth which the universe began and any moment now…entirely exterminate! That was unbelievable! I tried to make myself not to believe on it but it was true! I noticed that, the man on the radio was with an Astronomer named Fransil Anjelo Rosaroso. I turned off the radio with my perspiring hands.

The temperature keeps on rising. It’s getting hotter, I thought. I felt need to regulate the air-conditioner. Thereafter, I went back to my place. Oh…what a melancholic day…I heard a hullabaloo coming from outside. I heard some vulnerable outcries. Oh my God… I was crying, a cry that needs help and comfort. I remember my family, my friends, how could I be with them when…..I missed them so much. I decided to have a solemn prayer. Subsequently, I felt a profound trembling of the ground but this time it is stronger which made me out-of-balance so I stumbled onto the ground. And as I stared into the window I was bewildered by a swift mass stampede heading towards East.

That disastrous circumstance continually became dreadful. The people brought nothing but their fidelity. The parents clutching their infants and children. The youth ran single-handed. And the aged who were feeble and hobbling were left suffering and helpless.

I wiped all those tears in my eyes and decided not to dilly-dally at that moment. I ran as fast as I can. I helped all those old man and we walk through.
I tried to look up to the sky but I was dazzled which made my eyes ached. I noticed that the sun was growing bigger and the radiation aggravated.

It was as if it threatens us that we had no escape. We got nowhere to go. Lofty buildings and bridges and some other establishments were melted away like a candle burning in the midst of the dark. All the creations of God had passed out like a bubble in a single time, and like them, we too had no escape…

Everything was gone. It’s the End of the World….

I saw nothing but darkness. I’m thinking and wondering, where I am? I stood in sightlessness. I heard nothing. What am I doing in here? I wonder why…. Where are the others? I walked cautiously in the dark. Oh! I wasn’t walking, I was floating! I shouted in vain for no one restrains me. I couldn’t control my body. I fell…I was screaming for a rescue and tried my best to fly but I fell…..

I opened my eyes slowly. I gazed into the white-wide ceiling. Still unshaken, try to feel the things around me. And suddenly, felt the terrifying and indescribable feeling. I was in my room lying carefree in my bed. A beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead and a tears of joy dripped down my cheeks. I wiped the sweat from my face right away. I jumped out of my bed then I saw my pet lying on the floor. I smiled and approached him. I caressed him calmly. “That was only a nightmare…Now I’m ok. Thank God”

Afterwards, I decided to prepare myself immediately for my rendezvous.

Quiz namon han PHILOSOPHY OF MAN...

"He who has the WHY to live for can bear almost anyhow." Is this statement philosophical or scientific?Why?

In my own point of view, this statement is philosophical.

In life, challenges, hardships are inevitable, but for me it is only circumstantial. Anyone who knows the reason for their life will survive at any cost, whatever obstacles nay come, they go forward, they don't give up. Apparently, their aim is to reach their goal.

Furthermore, every man will have to survive hardest for survival in life. I this journey called Life, there will be many hurdles and hindrances and it will bring loads of pains & sufferings. I pursuit of making survival posible, it will be neccesary to saddle up such pains & sufferings.

It's not important that pains & sufferings & failure brings disappoinment or frustration but it teaches us many things in life to be a better person.

(...nagdrama na liwat ako...pasensya na...)^_^